7 more days of bachelorhood

25 04 2009

Here it is: one week remaining until my wedding day. I’m excited. Nervous. Stressed. Joyful. Curious. Ready?

Yeah. I think so.

Amanda is sick at the moment. I’m treating myself as if I am: Emergen-C shots and neti-pot sinus flushes. I just wish I could get the sleep I need. Time is moving faster than I want it to right now and there’s so much left to be done. This moving thing is daunting. The way I see it is whatever isn’t yet packed by Thursday, just grab it and throw it in the truck. If it doesn’t break, then God still wants us to have it! We just need everything out of Amanda’s apartment, whereas we need most everything out of mine, but if I forget anything or need to leave something small or trivial behind, I’m sure my good ol’ roommate would be okay with it and hold onto it until life settles down a bit for us. I have sufficient help from a couple of my groomsmen on Thursday and then my dad and brother (another groomsman) will be joining us around mid-day to finish it up. I think we’ll make it.

What’s left on my list…

Finish the playlists for the ceremony and reception (gotta have the right music and enough of it!)

Finish writing my vows (which I should’ve been doing above writing this…oops!)

Pack everything and then get rid of other things like my bed (anyone want a nice bunk/loft bed?)

Move (like I said…)

Clean Amanda’s apartment

Finish up the gifts for my henchmen (groomsmen) and get something for my friend who’s emceeing the reception

Make a second Costco run the day before the wedding

Print out the programs at the church

Finish my gift for my bride (probably shouldn’t have made it a project, but I did, and I think she’ll like it 🙂

Take care of Amanda and her sinus cold (praying to God it doesn’t turn into an infection and that she’ll kick it in under a week!)

Make sure everyone from out of town who has contacted me or Amanda about housing has a place to stay :-/

Bachelor party (yeah, it’s a “to-do” item, but I’m really excited for this one!)

Rehearsal dinner and make sure everyone is given enough attention and happy with OUR day (sorry, didn’t mean to caps that one, it just kinda happened…)

Last, but not least….


Getting up crazy-early tomorrow. Wish I wasn’t.


Oh! Nine

2 01 2009

I’ve always had a running joke where I say something to the effect of, “I don’t set my sights too high, so I rarely fail.” I say it so seriously just waiting for people’s responses and I think with the frequency of my saying it and the seriousness in my voice, people have believed my sarcasm–including myself! I’ve also brought up that joke in the past regarding New Year’s resolutions….

But no more!

This is a big new year for me and I’m gonna do this right! The resolutions aren’t necessarily just things that I’m going to force myself to do in order to induce change in my life. These are things that I really want to see happen and I’m excited to do it. I have a lot on my list and some of them are necessary to do, while others could go either way, so if I don’t succeed in every single one, I won’t hate myself or see myself as a failure because I know that I’ll succeed in the others. I’m not a perfectionist, but I will do the best that I can. So here is the long and short of it for Twenty Oh! Nine…


ST1. Plan a personal, unique, and meaningful wedding with my best friend that everyone will remember | now thru May 1

ST2. Get married | May 2

ST3. Finish the Colonix/Toxinout programs | either Feb 13th or March 18th



LT1. Read at least 6 books this year

LT2. Do the Daily Reading plan that my Bible App gives me on my iPhone, but read from my actual Bible whenever possible

LT3. Eat/Buy organic whenever possible -and/or- Eat/Buy locally grown food whenever possible

LT4. Exercise at least 3 days a week

LT5. Try and take a walk with Amanda everyday–especially once we’re married and when the weather is agreeable (which might not happen for a little while)

LT6. Finish school (working on it as long as I can 4-5 days a week)

LT7. Go camping or backpacking more

LT8. Eat out less; cook more

LT9. Finish AFI’s 100 Best Films list with Amanda (this year it’s gonna happen! no more slow-pokin’!)


Gosh, I’m sure there’s more than that, but it is a start. Give it a couple of days and there might be more on here.

Have a great 2009 with all the ups and downs it will bring!